Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week Seven: All Wrapped Up In One

Okay okay okay.

It's been a heck of a week and a half.

I haven't blogged, I know, I know.

BUT! That doesn't mean I haven't been cooking. Go ahead, applaud here: (Yaaaaaay!)

So since I'm so far behind in blogging, I'm going to lump last week's ingredient, recipe and story into one long blog.

Considering I was out of town Friday through Wednesday (Yeah of last and this week), I had to cook earlier in the week. And cook I did.

Thanks to the Elk my sister gave me last July (Hooray for freezers, eh?) and this week's horseradish purchase, I made a pretty tasty Elk steak braised in a horseradish mushroom wine sauce, served over roasted carrots, beets and potatoes.

Winter comfort food on a plate. I HATE the fact that this Sunday, while cleaning my fridge, I had to throw the leftovers away because, well...the Elk was growing something on it.

It was enough to make me gag.

That said, I must admit I'm getting pretty good at cooking meat on the stove and in the oven without drying it out and charring it to death (okay, I'm being hyperbolic; obviously the Elk's already dead; Brad, my sister's boyfriend, took care of that one). The key is to sear it for 6-8 minutes, depending on the thickness, in a nice bed of seasoned olive oil or butter (or yeah, whatever, bacon grease), then flip it and sear for three minutes and finish in some broth or sauce in the oven for 10-15 minutes, depending on preferred doneness.

I know, I suck at blogging....but like I said, it's been a week and I'm gearing to get back on track.

1 comment:

  1. It is NOT easy to cook meat well. But I can say that this meal sounds delicious. I wish I had some Elk to have for dinner!

